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Product Showcase

We have created startup product to help society facing to their problems. We came up with product to give the solution through technology.

What We Do


Problem solution for healthcare, right now we are focusing to help diabets patient to improve their life using our apps.


Visit idCare Microsite


The easiest way to manage, tracking your fixed asset. Leave all the pain to remind you when to maintain the asset before it went broke and loss the value of your asset.

Visit AssetOne microsite


Jurnopedia is here to provide solutions for your Brand to get publications from national media, online and print with just one click.

Visit Jurnopedia Microsite


Integrated application focusing for Mining Industry with cloud based. Incuding Project Management, Accounting & Finance, Human Resources, Marketigng & Sales, Stock & Inventory, Trucking & Hauling, Voyage Management dan Coal Tracking & Reporting



Visit Cloudmine.id Microsite